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Archive for the tag “desiring god”

What Our Culture of Death Has Wrought

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?. As absolutely horrible as the ideas put forth in this article are to even contemplate (& as horrendous as it is that a peer-reviewed journal published it), having this article out could actually be a positive thing for those of us who value the sanctity of life. As John Knight of Desiring God points out, “[The authors] have, in fact, done a great service to the cause of the unborn by openly and clearly connecting the argument for infanticide with abortion.” And that’s just it, I think the average person would be appalled at the thought of infanticide, especially of otherwise “normal” babies. Most people, I suspect, would consider that to be murder (and rightfully so, I might add!). But, if someone considers abortion to be a  perfectly okay choice for whatever reason the mother wants (and many do think this way), then it is only logical that infanticide is also okay for whatever reason the parent(s) decide. The fact that this has been published in a well-respected peer-reviewed journal should, it seems, be an indication of the increasing acceptability of such ideas, at least at the academic level (which means it is only a matter of time before it is acceptable at the lay level).

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Sanctity of Life Weekend-Part II (i.e.-the infamous anniversary of Roe v Wade)

A lot of these links are from Desiring God primarily because this is an issue that John Piper speaks on, writes about, etc every year.

John Piper: Jesus didn’t come mainly to stop abortion, but to save abortion-committing sinners. via Desiring God.

What Does Roe v. Wade Actually Say? – Desiring God.

An Actual Pro-Life Conversation – Justin Taylor. Some very wise words from Sam Crabtree on how to discuss contentious issues such as abortion.

John Piper: Abortion is always unsafe. The baby dies and the mother is hurt. Always. via Twitter.

No, Mr. President: John Piper’s Response to President Obama on Abortion – YouTube. Piper’s response to President Obama’s remarks on Roe v Wade from 2009.

President Obama’s Asinine Remarks on the 39th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade | Denny Burk. Obama’s statement hasn’t really changed since 2009 (see video immediately above) & Mr. Burk’s response is accurate & appropriate.

Racial Slavery and Abortion in America: How History Repeats Itself – Desiring God. The historical rationale for slavery in this country is not much different than the rationale for abortion.

The Fourteenth Amendment and the Personhood of the Unborn – Justin Taylor. Why Roe v Wade won’t be overturned in our lifetime.

Attacks on Incremental Pro-Life Legislation: Unfair and Dangerous – Justin Taylor. Why we should support incremental pro-life legislation.

J. C. Ryle, Temperance, and Abortion – Desiring God. Lessons from JC Ryle’s fight against drunkenness that can be used in the fight for the sanctity of life.

Five Things We Can Do For the Unborn – Desiring God.

Burk Parsons: Sanctity of life has not only to do with protecting the lives of the unborn but helping to ensure they’re fed and clothed after they’re born. via Twitter.

The 200 Million “Missing” Girls – Justin Taylor. I wonder if pro-abortionists in this country would agree with the systematic killing of girls in Asia…

Together for Adoption. There ARE alternatives to abortion.

Noel Piper: Being prolife brings adoption into many of our lives. This is a day to thank God for the birth mothers who chose life for our children. via Twitter.

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